Why I Keep On Writing Despite No Views

The views will come. I am sure of it.

Michael X Christopher
3 min readJul 27, 2021
my stats

If I didn’t love writing, I would have quit a long time ago. Years ago. Ten years ago. To be exact. The exact time I started writing my first novel. But, I never quit. And I never will.

I will die writing.

I will write everyday.

My writing produces mental clarity. It is good for my health.

I don’t write for views. Which is good, because I don’t get any.

I love every piece I publish out into the blogosphere. I am proud of my content. I know that it is uplifting and inspiring.

Why then, do I get no views?

Does medium hate me?

I can’t lie. That thought has entered my mind. But, I don’t really believe medium has a grudge against me. Instead, I focus on getting better every day. Waking up and trying everyday.

One day I will breakthrough.

I know it’s coming because I’m not quitting.

When I get one view, I rejoice.

Someone read my work!

