Surviving Schizophrenia : From Death To Life. Again

Chapter 1

Michael X Christopher
5 min readSep 10, 2023
my book cover

Chapter 1

I was on top of the world. Twenty-Five years old and a quarter million cash. Two years ago, I started a lucrative career as a day trader with a firm based out of Chicago. I had just moved into a two bedroom loft apartment in Philadelphia with my girlfriend. Life was good.

But not everything was good. Things were starting to unravel. I was going to the bathroom up to 6 times in the morning. More than likely due to the stress of my job. I would have to wake up hours before I started my day so that I could go to the bathroom. My stools were loose.

I went to several doctors about my loose stools. They offered little help. I even sought out acupuncture, and while I had some positive results from it, I was still having loose stools.

And I was beginning to feel guilty about the wealth I was accruing. What benefit was I generating for society? I was just making money. Hand over fist. Two months before moving to Philadelphia I had a breakthrough. I smoked marijuana and asked myself, Why am I here, on Earth?

Immediately, I had a flash of insight that hit me all at once. I saw my whole life in an instant, and then the words, The Catalyst.

