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Musings From A Compulsive Gambler
Thoughts on making the bet
I am a compulsive gambler. I know this. Yet, I still feel like I can gamble like regular people. You know, without it ruining my life.
What has gambling brought me thus far?
Still, I escape into the dream world of gambling. That’s exactly what it is. A temporary escape from the pressures of life. Temporary, because it only lasts until I run out of money. Money I worked hard for.
What can I do besides gambling? Write. Write my little heart out.
I know gambling is not good for me. Still, I refresh the poker app on my phone, wishing I could still play. Knowing I can’t.
Show me a gambler and I’ll show you a loser. -Mario Puzo
It’s true. Gambling won’t get me anywhere. It certainly won’t take me where I want to go in life. But, don’t I want to escape from life? Isn’t it life that is wearing me out?
Everyone in my family enjoys gambling. From my dad and the stock market, to my mom with her scratch offs.
I actually had a dream last night that someone gave me a scratch off. I gave it to my mom to scratch…