How I Manifested A Sewing Machine

And what else could I manifest?

Michael X Christopher


Pexels — Leticia Ribiero

I was reading this book, The Science of Getting Rich, and it talked about how to manifest wealth by making mental impressions, and believing that what you want is already yours. It seemed simple enough. I had actually heard of this principle over ten years ago, and it worked for me then.

For whatever reason, I left the world of manifesting when I became a Christian. I adopted the wrong mindset, that poverty was a virtue. It is not. So now, here I am, after ten years, relearning what I already knew so long ago.

I had to think for a moment, what I would like to manifest, as I am genuinely happy with my life. It was the author himself, Wallace D. Wattles, who mentioned manifesting a sewing machine. I used to have one, but I sold it to my co-worker, a couple years ago. I needed to manifest one again.

So, I set out, to raise my vibration, and believe that a sewing machine was coming into my life. Then I simply set about living my life. When would the sewing machine come?

I did not know.

I only know, that it is already mine. And that I will see it manifested in my life. You see, part of the process is acting like it’s already yours, and visualizing yourself using it.

